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Preventing The Spread Of Busy-ness

Have you ever noticed that when you're around a chronically busy person, someone who's constantly flying by the seat of their pants, always in a rush, perpetually acting like they're two steps behind where they need to be… you feel that way too? Busy is...

Quantity versus Consistency

The right focus isn't quantity versus quality. Quality is assumed. The right focus is on quantity versus consistency. Churning out a dozen top-notch articles in one week won't do you much good if you vanish immediately thereafter and let your blog wither from neglect...
The Best & Worst Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

The Best & Worst Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

The room may spin. Maybe your palms are a little sweaty. And maybe your breath is even shallow, quicker… Your body's sending signals that it's nervous, perhaps even panicky. It might almost feel like something's bearing down on you. And that something? It's your...