“All any of us can do is choose to shine our light. Other people will choose insecurity, liberation, or something else as their reaction, but that's their choice, not our responsibility.”
—Ragen Chastain
I love this reminder about shining our light. The choice to do so is all we have control over; how someone reacts to our choice to be our best & brightest self is outside of our control. Just as we are free to choose to shine, so too are others free to choose their reaction. If they react in a way that seems positive, we can trust that that's what they need in their life at that moment. If they react in a way that seems negative, we can trust that that's what they need in their life at that moment. What someone else brings into their life as a reaction to our choices — the medicine and lesson they opt for at that moment — isn't up to us.
What a relief. 🙂
This week's WoW (Words of Wisdom) come from Regan Chastain, who blogs at Dances With Fat. The tagline of her website makes me smile: “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness Are Not Size Dependent.” True & worth reiterating.