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So You’re The Boss… But Are You A Leader?

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” –Peter Drucker A Boss values titles, position, and hierarchy. A Leader values results. A Boss bargain hunts for fungible employees. A Leader invests in skilled, talented team...

Cheerleaders & Advisors

Cheerleaders are the people we count on to tell us we can do it. Advisors are the people we can count on to tell us whether we should do it. Cheerleaders applaud us for having an idea. Advisors help us examine whether it's an idea worth pursuing. Cheerleaders use a...

What’s the fritter-to-value ratio?

Every application we use has a fritter-to-value ratio. Some are pretty low, like a (simple, non-graphing) calculator: you push the buttons, you get your answer. Basically no frittering to get the result you want. The fritter-to-value ratio is really low. But then...